Monday, March 29, 2010

Illustrator Component Proposal

I am not sure exactly what my final visual component for this midterm essay will be. However hope to use a combination of photoshop and illustrator in order to generate some sort of logo as well as visual representation of the new product I chose which was the invisibility cloak. Using illustrator I can create a logo for the product using the basic shape tools and warping them in order to create a unique and original image in the end. Combining this with photoshop I will also be able to have high quality photographic images that i can manipulate by only using sections or morphing them with other photographs. I envision my completed assignment being some kind of visual representation of what the invisibility cloak can do and its functionality along with a logo that represents the product itself.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Midterm Essay

A group of physicists from the United Kingdom and Germany have revealed a device that can hide things in three-dimension. The cloak they have currently only works in relatively short wavelengths, however it is a stepping stone for them to continue the development and improve the product. The cloaks they have currently developed do not actually make things invisible, but rather play tricks with the light in order to obscure the objects they are holding. While the crystals used to make up the cloak cannot make the object completely invisible they can significantly diminish the sight of it. This up-and-coming product could be revolutionary for many things and they are especially hoping to use it in the military during combat.

There are many ways that marketers could present this new product in order to generate interest and eventually create a culture about the product. One of the ways this could be done is through the narrowcasting technique. This technique of persuasion involves aiming media messages at specific segments of the public characterized by their values, wants, needs, etc. Since the technology used to create the invisibility cloak is relatively expensive, this method of narrow casting could be used in two ways. First, since this isn't affordable to all people the company who would eventually manufacture the invisibility cloaks could determine who their target audience is. And then they could tailor their message more o this audience and place the ads in places readily available to the target audience. This way the company can be a little more selective and reach their target audience in a cost efficient manner. Also narrow-casting could be used to advertise these new cloaks to the military. We are constantly putting money into finding new technologies to make our military more efficient and powerful. Now with its design soldiers would have greater protection because they would blend in, this could be an invention that would greatly aid military strategy and execution, saving lives.

Another method of persuasion that could be used to market the Invisibility Cloaks is neuromarketing. In neuromarketing, the consumers' sensory and cognitive responses to marketing stimuli are studied. Analysts can uses this strategy to better understand the consumer's preference and adapt the product so that it meets the needs and wants of its target audience.This would be a useful strategy if Invisibility Cloaks were ever sold to the general public as a consumer good. In this case the marketers could make sure its in the right kind of packaging, it has the look the consumers want, and can also help to make the customers feel as if they have a special product that no one else does. IN this way marketers can use the customers psychological desires in order to tailor the product more for them and to appeal to them in a better way.

The final method of persuasion that could be useful in marketing the invisibility cloak is emotional branding. Emotional branding occurs when the consumer feels a sense of loyalty and trust toward a product, like it won't let them down. Emotional branding does not only include the brand image, but also the customer experience and emotional and psychological aspects of the brand. For instance, if we were to start implementing the use of invisibility cloaks in wars and combat and it truly did save lives, this would be a great way to build an emotion around a brand. It would make customers feel that the product is trustworthy, reliable, and maybe even life changing. If it were to then be sold as a regular product after that,m people would be more likely to buy it because of their psychological and emotional feelings of trust and reliance to the brand.

All of these methods of persuasion are what make marketing so effective and adaptable today. Marketing has become an in depth study of the psychological and emotional needs and wants of customers, as well as their reactions to every aspect of the marketing whether its the wording of a campaign, the packaging of a product, its emotional appeal, psychological appeal, who uses it, how it will benefit them etc. In this way they have been able to create an industry that is highly adaptable and successful. It has become a practice of mind games where the marketer studies the mind of its target audience and then caters to its needs. There have been many different methods of persuasion developed all centralized around this idea that the best products are the ones that have been manipulated to meet these psychological and emotional needs of the consumers.

Monday, March 8, 2010


For my midterm project I chose the first option that relates to the documentary "The Persuaders." The new product I chose to feature in my project is the Invisibility Cloak that was recently created. In my essay I plan to discuss the product itself as well as the techniques that marketers could use in order to generate desire among the target audience. Using the specific techniques that were highlighted in the Persuaders I will show how they could create a branded culture for this product and what other techniques would be available for them.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Madeline Haurin and Kate Conard

#1: We think Amateurish user-generated content will get better over time because we have higher expectations such as HD t.v.s and blue ray. We expect our quality of production to get better so the amateur user-generated content would have to get better to meet our expectations. Examples would be the t.v. show, The Office, or different MTV shows such as The Real World, My Life as Liz, etc. There is so much more Professional production than amateur production out there so it is obviously more valued by users.

#2: We went to and picked the article, "4 ways to trim your spending". The words we would use to tag this article would be: budget, spending, expensive, savings, finances. The website used: finance, money, budget, expenses, and spending. So we had a pretty similar idea of how we would tag the article. Tagging takes the main concepts from the article so it can be searched more easily and filed in an organized manor.

#3: Transparency is a measure of integrity and honesty in social media. The more transparent the media is, the more credible it is. It is giving us more reliable information that we can trust. People can lie on the internet or choose to disclose some information so you're not getting the full truth. So you need to be careful with what sources you are trusting as different types of media have different motives. An example could be Wikipedia - some articles are professionally viewed while others are created by amateurs. Anyone can change the articles on Wikipedia so that could be a problem and make the website less transparent. We think transparency is more important for the online world than the offline world because you can experience everything for yourself in the real world. So if you trust what someone says in the real world, you can really figure it out yourself eventually. Whereas we are so trusting on the internet that it can be dangerous. We trust these websites for information that could be false and we won't always get to find out the true answer.